
Mission Statement

Mount Zion Christian Academy is accredited by the International Christian Accrediting Association (ICAA) and the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Council on Accreditation and School Improvement (SACS CASI). We are also registered with the North Carolina State Department of Non-Public Instruction.

Accreditation by a state or regional agency is a type of quality assurance mechanism by which the services and operations of educational institutions or programs are evaluated and verified by an external body to determine if applicable and recognized standards are being met. MZCA sought accreditation by the International Christian Accrediting Association (ICAA) for several reasons:

  1. Many state-approved and/or state-adopted textbooks are developed by secular authors who reject fundamental Christian principles, resulting in the production of books that are saturated with humanist values. Conversely, Mount Zion Christian Academy utilizes Christian curricula which is consistent with a biblical world view.
  2. Mount Zion Christian Academy believes it is unreasonable for parents desiring an education for their children, which is consistent with a biblical world view, to enroll them in a private parochial institution with the same curriculum, methods and objectives of a public school. MZCA endeavors to be a viable, Christian education alternative for parents.
  3. The basic criteria for college admissions are student aptitude and achievement as determined by nationally normed, standardized tests. The instructional program of Mount Zion Christian Academy is designed and implemented to ensure its graduates are competitive with students nationwide—Achieving Excellence Through Jesus Christ.