Graduation and Promotion

Mission Statement

A student who fails English or two core academic subjects may proceed to the next grade level on probation if the academic deficiencies are made up through an approved summer school program. A student who fails English and two or more academic subjects must repeat the entire grade. Elementary students must successfully master phonics, reading, language, and math. Middle school students must pass all core subjects (language arts, math, science, and history). Bible is also a required course which each student must pass. High school students must receive a passing grade in Bible in order to be promoted to the next grade level.

Graduation and Promotion​

Advancement and Credit Recovery Program

The Advancement and Credit Recovery Program (ACRP) is designed to allow students an opportunity to repeat a course(s) for credit, earn high school course credit, or accelerate the completion of requirements for graduation.
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Graduation Requirements

Students in grades 9‑12 will choose one of three (3) diploma programs. The honors and college prep diploma programs feature courses that prepare students for college level work and admission to college. Students should consult their academic advisor prior to a change from one program to another. There is a minimum of 22 credits required to graduate. Each program will have its own respective diploma.

College Acceptance List

Click here
to view a listing of colleges and universities to which our graduates have gained admittance.